Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 1980

The Breakdown of Downtown: A 1980 Case Study

(click image to enlarge)


Unknown said...

Dear Theresa,

I just discovered your blog via a link at You are creating an amazing treasure. I can only hope that it will be discovered and exploited by our city's high school civics teachers (and regional college professors) to inspire a critical mass of future leaders to better decisions (and a critical mass of residents to embrace them).

I've lived in Syracuse for over 20 years. I'm intrigued with old photos and historical accounts of the city. It seems like it was once a much better place to live.

Syracuse has a disease that has caused decades of decay. Your blog is much needed medicine. I can only hope enough residents will get enough doses to reverse the trend.

Thank you, and please continue your efforts. You can really make a difference in our future.

Rick Pandzik

Sallie said...

Hi - saw your link in Sean Kirst's column. I'm 78 yrs. old - hardly of an age to wield a metaphoric shovel - but a huge fan of Syracuse - the city & the university. (See my photo page:
Friends away tell me it makes them homesick.

I see an urban example in Burlington, VT. Its advantage is that it's directly on Lake Champlain - but maybe it could work here...